CURE Alpha Patch Notes v1.1.5
Cleb - September 25, 2017
The following has been added or changed in v1.1.5...
Added Nucleotides, which are a currency used to create or upgrade genes.
Added Salvage to Genetic Engineering. Salvage destroys an existing gene but grants Nucleotides.
Added Gene Synthesis to Genetic engineering. Gene Synthesis creates a new random gene in exchange for Nucleotides. The minimum cost to synthesize a gene is 50 nucleotides. The more nucleotides used to synthesize a gene, the higher chance a gene will be successfully created and it will also increase the chances of getting higher rarity genes.
Added new Gene highlight, which will apply to all new genes added to your inventory since the last time you left the genetic engineering screen.
Changed Gene ordering so all new genes will be shown at the top of the inventory menu.
Added some slight optimization to many particle systems.